"It's called exercise - you should try it," she says flippantly to her father.

As Michael gets up, the previewers meet his daughter, Tracy, who is jamming out loudly to a Just Dance style game.

Michael isn't content though, it was said that his wife is burning through his cash reserves as if she were auditioning for a in The Real Housewives of Orange County, and he doesn't have the slightest idea of how to communicate with his children anymore. It was said that if one was to look in the near distance, you could see Michael's private tennis court and if you look onto the smoggy horizon, you could see the cityscape of Los Santos. It was said by people who saw the demo that Michael sitting near his pool is not a cutscene but a section of the gameplay. Michael is seen resting comfortably in a pair of flip-flops alongside his pool in the affluent neighborhood of Rockford Hills.

The demo first introduces Michael, who gave up his old life as a professional bank robber to retired in a life of luxury only to find out that the life he wanted wasn't as great as he thought it would be. The mission shows the lives of the three playable protagonist in the game.