This game is NDS Hack ROM.Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version are 2009 remakes of the 1999 Game Boy Color role-playing video games Pokémon Gold and Silver, also including features from Pokémon Crystal. (big thanks to Bubble, DavveDp, turtleisaac, Mikelan98 and Nomura for all the help.) You will be prompted to use another when it wears off. Pokedex map entries are not updated for the new wild pokemon locations. 🙂Īdditionally a new Treasure Hunter Vendor will appear when you complete the Team Rocket Story in Goldenrod. 28 brand new crafted sprites for all the Unown, done by your truly. new side-quest at the Ruins of Alph imported from sacredgold/stormsilver. Lake of Rage (Magikarp Fisherman’s House) Move tutors work for free now and have been moved from the Battle Frontier to the following locations: TMS are now reusable and TMs that are originally obtained at the battle frontier can be bought from different Marts across Kanto. Pokemon that had their base stats changed with the release of Gen 6 and on have been updated accordingly. Many Pokemon have had their sprites and palettes edited to be more in-line with their official artwork. Protector can now be found at Victory Road Up-Grade can now be obtained from a scientist a the safari zone’s Pokemon center Razor Fang and Razor Claw can now be obtained at a house in Cinnawood City Move re-learner will now happily re-learn a pokemon’s move free of charge. Pokemon that require trading to evolve, can now also evolve by using a new item called “Covenant Orb”. Trading with held item still works as a second option. All pokemon that evolve via trade with held items can now also evolve by just “using” the item on them. Kurt now gives you your finished apricorn pokeballs immediatley after asking him to make them. Your mom now gives you the GB Player at the start of the game. Coin Case is now located in Goldenrod Underground like in the Originals. Game coins can be bought again ^^) In-game text refers to Voltorb Flip now instead of slots including NPC blurb. (Voltorb Flip replaces the actual slots however. Both Game Corners at Celadon and Goldenrod have been restored to their original designs. (sprites courtesy of Gregarlink10 deviantart) Lyra has been replaced with Kris and is referred to as “Kris” by all NPCs. All pokemon have their movesets updated as close to Gen8 as possible. All attacks now have their power,accuracy, etc updated to gen 6 standards. Various cut-scenes in new bark town have been streamlined so you can get to Route 29 much faster Your Mom now gives you the pokegear at the very beginning, similar to the original Gold and Silver

All pokemon use their new gen 6 mini sprites on the party menu. With Level Curve, the game to be more streamlined. Hmm yeah, This game has 2 versions: Normal and Level Curves.